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Your Business Can Thrive in Trying Times

Ok, your sales are down, your customers are not spending as much, and you’re worried about the future of your business. On top of that, you’re being bombarded with the insanity in the “news.” My advice: Turn off the tel-lie-vision and focus on your own vision.  You create your reality, no matter what the “experts” predict.  Stay positive.  Drop the fearful thoughts and follow your inner guidance. You’ll see the way through. 

Upside, Downside, or Upside Down?
Right now, I have some clients whose sales are down a lot, some only down slightly, while others are doing great. What is one doing that the other isn’t?  I think it depends partly on what you’re selling and partly on your state of mind.  Some products become more in-demand when there’s a fear of some future bad thing. And, the media is pushing the fear and negativity 24/7.  Even if you don’t watch TV, there are endless “analysts” around the interwebs peddling the doomsday story. The other day, a so-called “financial expert” was barking that what’s coming will be “Worse than 2008.”  Well, I remember 2008 and things were pretty good for those of us who were debt-free and not dabbling in derivatives.

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
Even during the Depression, almost 100 years ago, many people thrived.  I think the ones who made out best were entrepreneurs, craftsmen, farmers, and generally those who were self-sufficient, weren’t in debt, and grew their own food.  Contrast that to today where people don’t even want to cook their own food, let alone grow it, lol. 

Keep Dreaming and Innovating
Whatever business you’re in, and no matter what the economic climate is, innovation is key.  Maybe you have a new product idea that you’ve been keeping on the back burner until some future point.  Now could be the right time to move forward with it.  Or, perhaps you see an emerging need out there that you can fill like no other.  Believe in your undeniable badassery and go for it!

Always Be Giving
I’m sure you know that the success of your business is directly related to the value you bring to others.  In spite of all of the technology we’re being forced to engage with, we humans thrive on interaction with other humans.  So, anything that bolsters that connection is valuable. Talk to your customers. Ask them what they need or what service they wish you’d offer.  And, the best way to do this is with a phone call or a face-to-face meeting.  Sending lifeless, auto-generated emails asking them to “Rate Our Service” is useless nonsense, in my humble opinion.

Keep the Passion
Your customers want to have confidence in you and your product or service. They want to know you are excited about enhancing their life or making things easier for them. Bring your joy and passion into the mix and you can’t go wrong.

Even if you’re a sleazy marketer pushing cheesy products to cheeky business owners, bring the joy and passion, baby! 

Ok, that’s my two cents on what might help you ride out these choppy economic waters.  Remember, you have the power to create what you want to experience. Stay courageous in your purpose and never fear the quantum leap!

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