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Sardis Presbyterian Church Website is Live

sardis presbyterian website - tangerine web works

My latest website project, Sardis Presbyterian Church (Sardis PCA), went live today. Working with the pastor of this small church in Sardis, Mississippi has been fun.  The goal was to build a modern web presence that would attract new members.  All of the pages are not finished yet, but they wanted it live, so it’s up! More content will be added later.


This has been an interesting project. I was in Memphis when I started working on it. The church is in Sardis, Mississippi and the pastor graduated from Annandale High School in Annandale, Virginia.  I lived in Annandale for seven years and my two youngest kids graduated from Annandale High. It’s pretty funny that I was in Memphis, he was in Mississippi, and we both had ties to Annandale. Small world!


Anyway, in the process of building the site, I relocated to Arlington, Virginia and I’m happy to be back in the Commonwealth. I always miss it when I leave.


You can check out the new website here.


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